Hi, I'm Edna 👋

I'm a Web Developer and Entrepreneur

Edna West

Hi, I'm Edna 👋

I'm a Web Developer and Entrepreneur

Portfolio Definition

1 minutes
May 2, 2019

Here are some details about the portfolio settings.

Example of Portfolio page

Example of Portfolio page

date: "2019-05-02T19:47:09+02:00"
jobDate: 201
work: []
techs: []
designs: []

Here are some explanations about the portfolio FrontMatter: - jobDate is the year displayed on the list and show of your project - work is displayed on the list of projects. It is an array of type of job that you did on the project. - techs and designs are displayed on the show page of your project. It is an array of tools you used on the project - thumbnail is a image file displayed both for the list and show of the project - projectUrl is the URL to the project. - The testimonial params define the person giving your a testimonial as well as the text of the testimonial.

NB: if techs, designs or projectUrl is not defined, it will not be displayed at all.